Narrative Essays
My narrative non-fiction has been published in several journals, anthologies, and more.
My poem "Wait" was published by the literary journal 100 Word Story on April 6, 2023. It examines the stasis of winter and the anticipation of spring.
Preaching Black Lives (Matter) is an anthology that asks, "What does it mean to be church where if Black lives matter?" My essay, "Adventism and White Supremacy," was chosen for inclusion by anthology editor Gayle Fisher-Stewart.
I wrote the foreword for Barry Casey's debut essay collection, published in 2019 by Wipf and Stock Publishers. Casey is an essayist, poet and retired professor who taught religion, philosophy, ethics, and communication in universities in Maryland and Washington, DC, for thirty-seven years.
My untitled micro-essay was chosen for inclusion in the
Readers' Notes section in Ruminate Magazine, Issue 45: Unfinished. Published December 2017.
Narrative Essay
"Muhammad Ali was many things to many people: legendary boxer, Olympic Gold Medalist, conscientious objector, generous philanthropist. For me, and the other residents of my hometown of Berrien Springs, Michigan, he was something more — he was our neighbor."