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Book Review: The Soul Keepers

Alisa Williams

A Thousand Perfect Notes by C.G. Drews

The Soul Keepers

Written by Devon Taylor

Swoon Reads / Macmillan Children's Publishing Group, 2018

Buy Now on Amazon: Hardcover | Kindle

Okay, wow wow WOW, this book! Fantastic! It’s almost 300 pages, but I read it in like a day (and I am NOT a fast reader).

The Soul Keepers is by debut author Devon Taylor, who introduces YA readers to an exciting world of death and high-seas adventure. Main character Rhett dies tragically, but then quickly finds out that death is its own adventure when he’s recruited to join a crew of syllektors on the Harbinger, a massive ship that’s tasked with carrying and protecting the souls of the dead. And what do these souls need protection from, you ask? Well, syllektors like Rhett and his new friends collect souls and keep them safe from creepy psychons who like to show up at death sites quick on the skylletors’ heels and eat souls (gross). There’s also a sea monster or two who’d like to make kindling out of the Harbinger. Oh, and then there’s this pesky demon who keeps popping up?!

This book was nonstop action, a wee bit of romance, a fair amount of mystery, and a ton of suspense that had me super stressed out the whole time, wondering what was going to happen next.

I really hope the author is planning at least a sequel if not a whole series because I felt like I was just getting to know all of the characters when BOOM the book ends and there’s a HUGE CLIFFHANGER! I thought my heart was going to stop while reading this book and then it just ENDED AND I HAVE NO CLOSURE. Clearly this author is a fan of torturing his readers, which is FINE I guess.

For anyone who loves Rick Riordan and Neil Gaiman's books, I’d definitely recommend this one! The characters are interesting, the plot is intriguing, and the suspense might possibly kill you (you’ve been warned).

This review originally appeared on NetGalley. I received a free Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest review of this title.

Alisa Williams is the managing editor of She blogs at, tweets at @AWWritesStories, and bookstagrams at @AllyWritesStories.

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